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Fall 2023: Classes meet T H 12:05 - 1:20pm in Witkowski 109

Read the Course Description

This contains a detailed explanation of course policies and the basis for grades.

Jump Down to the Schedule

This link jumps to the closest day to today's date. Review the schedule as we get started to get a sense of how this course will work on a daily basis.

Quick links to digital resources

Week 1Class topicsDo before class

T 08-22


H 08-24

Discussion building on annotations: What is digital humanities? Slow computing while in university. Re-watch (if you like) the 10-minute History of Computers video and think about how the history of computing relates to the statements about digital humanities and life experience with computers in today's readings. Read and annotate with
Week 2Class topicsDo before class

T 08-29

Discussion of Warsame reading/annotations, time, space, data. ntroduce Tolkien, Leaf by Niggle and next week's re-mediation of story-to-game adventure with special guest professor, Dr. Lauren Liebe.

H 08-31

Discussion of Leaf by Niggle, preparing for next week's game remediation. Installing/accessing Twine [TBD] Read and annotate with Leaf by Niggle
Week 3Class topicsDo before class

T 09-05

[Dr. B is in Germany for the TEI-MEC Conference. Class led by special guest Dr. Lauren Liebe, Asst. Professor of Game Design]: Adapting Leaf by Niggle to a Twine game. ...

H 09-07

[Dr. B is in Germany for the TEI-MEC Conference. Class led by special guest Dr. Lauren Liebe, Asst. Professor of Game Design] Continued development / peer review: Leaf by Niggle to a Twine game. Twine Game development for peer review
Week 4Class topicsDo before class

T 09-12

Discussion / hands-on exercise on Dear Data. Introduce assignment on personal data collection and visualization
  • View videos and images of the Dear Data Project
  • Discussion Exercise (Canvas) Before class, take three screen captures of three hand-crafted/humanized data visualizations from anywhere on this site (including video content) that particularly struck you. In your discussion post post the images and comment on what is being shown and why does it seem memorable?
  • Complete Twine Game Assignment

H 09-14

Preview website development unit: markup and code. Introduce code and code structures with the Electronic Verse Engineer and oXygen.
  • Install oXygen XML Editor, prepare for markup and code orientation
  • Work on "Dear Data: Your Week of Visualization" assignment (due Friday by 11:59pm)
Week 5Class topicsDo before class

T 09-19

Learning the code syntax of eXtensible Markup Language: elements and attributes
  • XML Markup Exercise 1
  • Complete the Penn State Academic Integrity Tutorial and upload your certificate (in Canvas)

H 09-21

  • XML vs. HTML: Semantic vs. layout code. Structure of an HTML file.
  • Code an HTML file and view it a browser.
  • HTML elements tutorial
XML Markup Exercise 2: emphasis on nesting elements and adding attributes.
Week 6Class topicsDo before class

T 09-26

  • Launch Comparative Website Development project: GitHub Pages
  • Introducing git and GitHub / GitHub Pages
  • Command line git orientation.
HTML Exercise 1: Submit a zipped folder of related files: a page with an image and two links.

H 09-28

  • Working with a GitHub repo from multiple computers: why we need git commands and the limits of upload.
  • Common file extension problems with git and your computer (.JPG vs .jpg)
  • git and file mindfulness
  • File management for organizing a website:
    • HTML
    • image files
    • CSS
  • Orientation to CSS
  • Complete Git/GitHub Orientation: stage 1: GitHub repo prepared with docs directory and index.html
Week 7Class topicsDo before class

T 10-03

  • Look at the CSS Zen Garden: same HTML content styled several different ways with different CSS
  • Website Development Lab: Git/GitHub Intensive Practice
  • How to debug your code.
Complete git and GitHub orientation and setup assignments.

H 10-05

  • Website design and layout: preparing a site navigation menu with linked pages
  • HTML and CSS for simple layouts with flex containers
  • Responsive web design: resizing to fit mobile devices vs. wide screens
Push files to your website using git commands
Week 8Class topicsDo before class

T 10-10

  • Orientation to PSU Wordpress and Penn State web hosting services.
  • Changing from a standard blog to a website with pages:
    • Pages vs. Posts
    • Planning a site menu for multiple pages
  • Images and links in Wordpress
  • Where's the code? (Code view)
  • Comparative Website development assignment
  • Milestone for GitHub Pages site: website with multiple linked pages, images, CSS styling.
  • Reflection (in Canvas text box): What have you been learning about files, directories, and code in building a website?

H 10-12

Website debugging lab Wordpress site: set up styling and pages, image content from your GitHub Pages site.
Week 9Class topicsDo before class

T 10-17

Website Accessibility Readings and Workshop Read the following and try them out on your websites.

H 10-19

Introduce digital text analysis unit. Natural language processing with Voyant and Antconc.
Week 10Class topicsDo before class

T 10-24

  • Voyant Tools exercise: orientation to distant reading with texts posted in introDH-Hub.
  • Cleaning the text data: preparing plain text files to remove material not meant for analysis.
  • Exploring Keyword in Context (KWIC) with Voyant and ngrams. Finding patterns and exploring them. What kinds of comparisons can we make?
Complete Mystery Texts assignment

H 10-26

Introduce n-gram analysis with Antconc. Review and continue experiments with Voyant Tools. Exploring corpus concordances with Voyant and AntConc. Introduce the Corpus Analysis Assignment Explore larger text corpora in Antconc and Voyant
Week 11Class topicsDo before class

T 10-31

Large corpus text sampling: how do we read and understand data from a distance? Strategies for identifying patterns.
  • Continue exploring text data for the Corpus Analysis Assignment. Take screen captures as you explore comparing texts posted on the assignment. (You may also try cleaning up some text files you find of interest on Project Gutenberg: find a text and look for a download option of Plain Text to save the file to work with, and be sure to cut off the lengthy Project Gutenberg boilerplate from the top and bottom of the file.
  • Be sure that your files are saved with a .txt

H 11-02

Styling the Corpus Analysis page to view and caption your screen captures. Workshop corpus analysis comparisons. Prepare screen captures rough draft of Corpus analysis page.
Week 12Class topicsDo before class

T 11-07

Finish and post your Corpus Analysis comparison post on your website, and submit a link to Canvas.

H 11-09

Discussion / Workshop with Land-Grab Universities: map-making as cultural database development. Reading map network visualizations
Week 13Class topicsDo before class

T 11-14

Complete TimeMapper Assignment: post to your website (by the end of the day)

H 11-16

  • Organizing and visualizing networks : Working with styling nodes and edges, touring network stats.
  • Construct a network in Google Sheets and import to Begin styling and organizing in
  • Introduce Secondary Worlds assignment: Game Analysis on
  • Start Kumu network analysis template: [TBD: new resource]
  • Choose a game from to play, network, and review.
Week 14Class topicsDo before class

Sun 11-19 to Sat 11-25

Thanksgiving Holiday Have a peaceful and productive week!
Week 15Class topicsDo before class

T 11-28

  • Review / discuss class Kumu network visualizations.
  • Critiquing a game and analyzing for user experience
  • Complete a Kumu network (TBD: on shared class resource), submit links to Google Sheet and Kumu network on Canvas

H 11-30

Week 16Class topicsDo before class

T 12-05

Workshop Game Analysis Review drafts / network Choose a Creative Commons license for resources you are sharing on your website. Cite and credit resources that are not yours.

H 12-07

Last Day! Review / design for Game Analysis page and complete portfolio website.
  • Prepare draft of Game Analysis Assignment: Embed your network on the review and include details on gameplay and direct links to the game resources you are reviewing on
Finals Week (12/11 - 12/15) Due

T 12-12

Final assignment: Game Analysis due by 11:59pm